In order to make this scheme sustainable, there is a dire need of incorporating principles of circulation economy in the basic structure of the scheme. Through the principles of reducing the wastage, recycling and reusing water resources GoM’s JalYukt Shivar scheme can be an example of sustainable water management practices.
Home » Towards water sustainability: Incorporating principles of circulation economy in JalYukt Shivar
Towards water sustainability: Incorporating principles of circulation economy in JalYukt Shivar

Tags:abundanceagriculturebenefitsboardcirculation economycommons goodconsumptioncontrolcostsdistributionfarmersfertilizersIndiaindustryJalJal Yulta ShivarMaharashtrapestisidesPlanpolicypollutionproblemsrecyclereductionresourcereuseshortagesurplussustainableuseutilizationwastagewaterwater day