Vaibhavi Pingale

  • Least Traded Commodities (Import & Export) of India

    Least Traded Commodities (Import & Export) of India

    Trade plays a grater role in the development of an economy as they are a source of finance. However, not all commodities are equally spread out in any country’s export or import basket. To know what does India trade in least, click on this link…

  • Website Live Now!

    Website Live Now!

    Dear Readers and Writers,  We are grateful to your consistent support to Tatvita. To serve our readers with quality and wide-ranging content, To include more and more writers on board for our mission on creating world of Analysts, we were under process of updating and creating new website. Here, Team Tatvita announces the launch of new website…

  • Changing Work from Home in India

    Changing Work from Home in India

    Indian industry is bouncing back after the turbulence brought by the pandemic. With the come back work dynamics are changing. When COVID-19 struck India back in 2020, all companies opted for the work from home (WFH) model for their employees, as their health and safety were of topmost priority. As time progressed, many companies transitioned…

  • Economics of Pakistan’s National Security Policy

    Economics of Pakistan’s National Security Policy

    Ahead of the SAARC summit which Pakistan intends to hold, Islamabad wants to show to the world that Pakistan is not the same country, that is, home to the terrorists, but is actually a progressive nation. They want to rebuild the trust that has been lost due to their constant support to the Taliban that…

  • २०२२ मध्ये भारतासाठी फ्रेंच सुवर्णसंधी

    २०२२ मध्ये भारतासाठी फ्रेंच सुवर्णसंधी

    फ्रान्सचे भारतातील राजदूत इमॅन्युएल लेनैन काल जाहीर केल्याप्रमाणे फ्रान्स आता युरोपियन राष्ट्रसंघाचा पुढच्या सहा महिन्यांसाठी अध्यक्ष झालेला आहे. ह्यामधे महत्वाची बाब म्हणजे त्यांनी केलेल्या ट्विटमध्ये युरोपियन राष्टसंघाला आणि भारताला एकमेकांचे व्यापारासाठी नैसर्गिक भागीदार बनविण्यासाठी प्रयत्नशील असणार आहे असे सांगितले.  भारत आणि फ्रान्स मित्र देश असून दोहनी देशांचा धोरणात्मक करार १९९८ मध्ये झाला होता. ह्यामध्ये संरक्षण,…

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